ACL/PCL/MCL Treatments
The knee ligaments are bands of tissue that connect your thigh bone in your upper leg (femur) to your lower leg bones (tibia and fibula).
An injury to a knee ligament is called a sprain or a tear. Many knee sprains are mild, but torn knee ligaments can be severe.
Knee ligament injuries are common, especially in athletes. The ligaments can be overstretched or torn when:
Force is applied to the back of the knee when the joint is partly flexed.
Force is applied to the front of a bent knee (sometimes called “dashboard injury” because it’s common in car accidents).
Force is applied to the side of the knee when the foot is on the ground (for example, during a tackle).
The knee is hyperextended (straightens too much), usually by force.
The knee joint twists in an unnatural way (for example, when playing basketball or skiing).
f you seek medical attention for a knee injury, a healthcare provider may:
Ask you about your symptoms and when they started.
Conduct a physical exam by looking at the injured knee, assessing how it moves and comparing it to the other knee.
Order imaging tests if necessary, such as MRI, to take pictures of the knee ligaments.
Take X-rays to rule out a broken leg bone, kneecap (patella) or other problem.
Damage to a knee ligament can weaken the knee joint, increasing the chances that you’ll injure yourself again.
Talk to a healthcare provider if you have:
Looseness or weakness in the knee.
Loss of feeling in the knee or leg.
Pain on the inside or outside of the knee.
A popping or snapping noise.
Repeat knee injuries.
Swelling around the knee joint.
Trouble putting weight on that leg.